Privacy policy


We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This policy provides you with the details of how any personal data we collect from you or that you provide us will be used and processed.

Information from the user

We may collect and process the following aspects of data about you:

  • Information that you provide us by filling in forms on our site.

  • If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.

  • We may also ask you to complete questions or surveys for research purposes. You may opt out of completing these surveys.

  • To improve our content, we collect details of your visits to our site in the form of analytics which could include places and resources you access on our site, time spent on our site, and where you are directed to our site.


What is a cookie?

Cookies are small files comprised of letters and numbers that are downloaded onto your desktop computer, mobile or other device when you access certain websites. Cookies allow a website to recognise a user’s device and help your browser navigate through the website by allowing you to log in automatically, and by remembering settings you selected during earlier visits, amongst other functions. Cookies do not harm your computer. If you would like to learn more about cookies you can visit

The use of cookies on this website:

Cookies help us to provide you with an improved experience when you browse our site. Cookies support your ability to make full use of the features available on this site. We do not use cookies to collect or record information such as your name, address, or other personally identifiable information (PII).

We use cookies on this website for one purpose, and that is to collect statistical information about how visitors use this website, so we can improve the way this website works and as one measure our impact on our communities. By recording such statistics as browser usage, visitor location, operating system we can measure and improve on how we manage and maintain our site, in order to provide improved visitor experience.

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings so that it will block cookies, cookies will be set when you access this website. By using and browsing this website, you consent to cookies being used in accordance with this Policy. If you do not consent, please understand that certain features of this site may not function as intended. Please go to the How To Manage Cookies section in your web browser settings for information on how to manage and disable cookies.

IP Addresses

We may collect information about your computer, including where available your IP address, operating system and browser type. This is for statistical data and does not identify any individual.

Personal data

The transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. We will do our best to protect your personal details but cannot guarantee the security of your data outside of our own systems. Any transmission is at the risk of the site user. Once we have received information from you, we will use procedures and security features with an aim to prevent unauthorised access.

We use the information held about you in the following ways:

  • To ensure that content from our site is presented in the most effective way for you and your computer.

  • To carry out requests or obligations arising from any contact you may have with us.

  • To provide you with information or services that you have requested from us or which we feel may interest you, if you have given us consent to get in contact with you.

  • To enable you to participate in interactive features when you choose to do so.

  • To notify you of any changes to our service.

Disclosure of your information

We may disclose your personal information to third parties if we are under a duty to disclose or share your data in order to comply with any legal obligation. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk solution.

You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. We will notify you if we intend to disclose any details to a third party for such purposes. You have the right to refuse such intentions by checking the correct boxes on any forms we use to collect data, or by contacting us at any time at

Your rights

Our site may from contain links to and from other websites. If you were to follow a link to any of these sites please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and we do accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please make sure to check these policies before you submit any personal data to any websites.

Changes to privacy policy

Any changes we make to our policy will be displayed on this page and where appropriate notified to you via email.

Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance Inc (ORRAA) is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audiences. We work to current web standards and accessibility guidelines in order to allow our content to be accessible. If you do have any difficulty using our website at all, then please let us know. We will endeavour to rectify any issues raised in future iterations of this site. Contact us at:


All pages on this site comply with level 2 of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

This site is built using a structured, semantic markup. Appropriate tags are used to add semantic value to content, ensuring our pages can be read and interpreted by not only web browsers, but also screen readers and other assistive devices.

Our efforts include, but are not limited to:

  • Maintaining a standard, conventional layout and structure throughout the website.

  • Using the correct and appropriate HTML (abbr) tags to mark up our pages and content.

  • Using CSS (abbr) to control styling and presentation of pages.

  • Using JavaScript in an unobtrusive manner, thus separating content from both presentation and behaviour.

  • Checking contrast levels between elements, enhancing legibility of content for those who may be visually impaired.

  • Checking contrast levels between elements, enhancing legibility of content for those who may be visually impaired.

  • Using table-based markup only for tabular data, and never for layout or presentation.

  • Using an adaptive page layout system, allowing content to be shown in a way which is appropriate to the viewing device.

  • Ensuring link text makes contextual sense, using title and rel (abbr) attributes as appropriate.

  • Write content in a style which is understandable and easy to follow.

Should there be an instance when our site does not meet the needs of a specific user group and it is necessary we make changes to our content, structure or markup then we will endeavour to make the necessary changes to ensure that our site is as accessible as possible. If you have questions or suggestions please contact:

Your information and privacy

For a more detailed explanation of how we will collect, use and store information relating to you, and our commitment to protecting your privacy, please see the Privacy Policy in relation to the Website.

Third party content

The Website will contain some content which does not come from us, whether such content is posted by other companies or individuals or otherwise comes from anyone other than us (together, “Third Party Content“). Because of the open nature of our Website, this Third Party Content may not be approved by us. We have to state that any views expressed in such Third Party Content may not represent our views and that we shall not be responsible or liable for any Third Party Content or for the consequences of the use of it.

We will include on the Website Third Party Content that may be personal opinions of information gathered about financial products and services. The views or information collated and presented may not necessarily reflect our views and we cannot accept any responsibility for those views or your actions in relation to those views or information provided.

We may keep an eye on Third Party Content from time to time but please note that we have no obligation to police it. If we have any concerns, we may remove Third Party Content from the Website with or without notice. If you have any concerns about content appearing on the Website, please email:


Protecting the online privacy of children is especially important to us. By accessing the Website and in particular if you provide us with any of your personal information, you’ll be representing and warranting that you are 18 years of age or older and that you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you are under 18 years of age, please do not attempt to use the Website and do not provide us with your name, contact details or any other information about yourself. If we reasonably believe a user to be under 18, we may need to remove their details provided by them from our Website and our records.

Third Party Content posted on our Website does not necessarily represent an endorsement of the company or its view. Any positive or other review of any product, place, service or any other thing does not constitute a recommendation, endorsement or guarantee by us and we make no representation as to quality. All ratings are intended as a guideline only and we do not guarantee their accuracy.

Industry regulatory disclosure requirements

We make no endorsements, recommendations, guarantees or representations in relation to any products, places, services or any other things that are the subject of reviews or other articles published on the Website.

Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance Inc shall not be responsible or liable for any injury, loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of any review, advice, or material products resulting from this website. This paragraph applies to the extent that it can in accordance with applicable laws.


As a user of this website, you agree to protect ORRAA against others from suing you, us, or others for any reason in connection with your use of our Website or your behaviour.

In using the Website you agree to indemnify and hold harmless ORRAA, any membership, subsidiaries or holding companies, and each of their respective officers, directors, shareholders, employees, representatives and agents (and you shall continue to indemnify them and hold them harmless) in respect of all losses, liabilities, costs, claims, damages and demands suffered in connection with your conduct in using the Website, your behaviour towards us, our representatives, other users, any breach of law, any breach of these Terms and Conditions or any breach of any third party’s rights.

Proprietary rights

All text, graphics, audio, video or image files, content, software, applications and information displayed on or available from the Website, and all copyright, trade mark rights, design rights and other intellectual property rights in them (together, the “Proprietary Content”) are the property of ORRAA, our users, suppliers or licensors. This includes, without limitation, the organisation and lay-out of the Website and the underlying software that is owned by us, our suppliers and/or licensors.

By using the Website you’re agreeing that Proprietary Content is available for personal use only and that you will not copy, reproduce, publish, distribute or dispose of in any way any Proprietary Content. Neither the ORRAA name or other company name, trade mark, logo or design may be used or copied in any manner.

Links to other websites

The Website contains links to other third party websites, resources, advertisements or sponsorships.

If you choose to access any of these links, you will be leaving the Website and since we don’t have any control over these sites, we are not responsible for the content, advertising, products or services available from them, or for any dealings or disputes that you may have in relation to those sites. We will not be liable for any loss or damage which may be suffered as a result of the use of such links and third party sites. We would encourage you to review the terms and conditions and privacy policy on any new site you may choose to access because our terms and conditions and privacy policy will no longer be applicable.

We reserve the right to remove a link at any time.


When using the Website, you may get pop-ups occasionally. We use these for many reasons to help improve our services or to tell you about something new. Pop-up boxes from the Website are clearly marked with a heading from either ORRAA or from third parties. These may appear due to software you have installed, deliberately or unknowingly, on your computer. Unfortunately, we cannot control these pop-up boxes because they may not have come from us.

We do not endorse any website or product which appears in any pop-ups which do not come from us. To read more about our cookie policy please see our Privacy Policy on the Website.

Website information and downtime

The Website may be unavailable occasionally for maintenance or updating information. Where this happens we apologise for any inconvenience caused. However, we shall not be liable for any loss, damages or inconvenience resulting from such unavailability.

We take great care in seeking to present accurate, transparent and useful information to you as a user. However, as an open platform there is content on the Website which is not generated by us, for example Third Party Content, as described above. Therefore, we should let you know that information on the Website might be out of date, incomplete, contain some errors or be in some way unreliable. Just to be sure, please check any information obtained from the Website before acting upon it in any way.

Please note that we may make changes to the Website, its functions and services from time to time.

Other limitations on liability

The Website may be unavailable occasionally for maintenance or updating information. Where this happens we apologise for any inconvenience caused. However, we shall not be liable for any loss, damages or inconvenience resulting from such unavailability.

We take great care in seeking to present accurate, transparent and useful information to you as a user. However, as an open platform there is content on the Website which is not generated by us, for example Third Party Content, as described above. Therefore, we should let you know that information on the Website might be out of date, incomplete, contain some errors or be in some way unreliable. Just to be sure, please check any information obtained from the Website before acting upon it in any way.

Please note that we may make changes to the Website, its functions and services from time to time.

  • any breach of security of the Website;

  • any damage, loss or corruption of any data, information or material;

  • any viruses or other malicious programs that may infect your computer equipment or other property; or

  • any breach of security by hackers in relation to the Website.

If we breach these Terms and Conditions, we shall only be liable to you for losses which are a reasonably foreseeable consequence of such a breach (which means that the losses could have been contemplated by you or us at the time of entering these Terms and Conditions). In no circumstances shall ORRAA be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or economic loss (or for any exemplary or punitive damages), in connection with the use of the Website or any other site. The same applies for the employees, officers, directors, representatives and agents of ORRAA and its members and affiliates. This paragraph only applies to the extent that it can in accordance with applicable laws.

Laws and jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between you, the user, and us in relation to your use of the Website (which includes the details on our approach to cookies set out in the Privacy Policy) and supersede all prior agreements and arrangements between us in relation to your use of the Website.

As a user, the laws of your location may apply to your online dealings with the Website and you may have additional legal rights and/or obligations than those set out here by us. We always recommend that you seek local legal advice, however we would encourage you to speak to us if you have any concerns to see if they can be resolved.


These Terms and Conditions and any dispute in relation to them are governed by the laws of the District of Columbia in the United States of America. We reserve the right to bring proceedings in the courts in any location or any court or whichever forum we feel is appropriate.

If any provision or part of these Terms and Conditions is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of all of the other provisions and parts of these Terms and Conditions will not be impaired. No failure or delay by ORRAA in exercising or enforcing any right, power or remedy which arises under these Terms and Conditions shall operate as a waiver of that or any other right, power or remedy. No waiver by ORRAA shall be effective unless in writing and signed by an authorised representative of that company.

Finally – if in doubt talk to us

If you have any queries, comments or complaints regarding the Website or these Terms and Conditions, just get in touch. You can write to us at the address below or email us at:

Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance Inc.
2336 Wisconsin Avenue NW, # 32043
Washington DC 20007
United States / USA
IRS EIN Determination: 83-3580499
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